

公司名称: 汉堡南美
注册国家: 德国
总部地址: Postfach 11 15 33, 20415 Hamburg
电话: 49 (0)40 3705 0
传真: 49 (0)40 3705 2649
邮箱: central@ham.hamburgsud.com
网址: http://www.hamburgsud.com
公司简介(中文): 汉堡南美是主要的全球海运的供应商,它所提供的统一资源物流解决方案充分满足了顾客的需求。汉堡南美拥有大约3,500的员工,经营船舶145条,同时提供一个175,000个集装箱的目录,这些不同型号、构造以及分布位置的集装箱可以适应我们顾客不同的地区性和季节性需求。汉堡南美隶属于德国欧特克(Oetker)集团,是德国最大、最知名的私有海运企业之一。
公司简介(英文): The Hamburg Süd Group today ranks among the major providers of worldwide ocean transportation and individual, one-source logistics solutions tailored to customer needs. Hamburg Süd employs approximately 3,500 staff. It operates about 145 ships and maintains a global inventory of some 175,000 containers in a wide array of sizes and configurations and strategically positioned to meet the regional and seasonal needs of our customers. Hamburg Süd is part of the successful Oetker Group , one of the largest and best-known family businesses in Germany.
分支机构: 大连:T: 86-411-82825846
F: 86-411-82730980
天津:T: 86-22-28408802
F; 86-22-28408807
青岛:T: 86-532-5798091
F: 86-532-5798095
上海:T: 86-21-33074789
F; 86-21-63391935
宁波:T: 86-574-87193930
F: 86-574-87193938
广州:T: 86-20-38931225
F: 86-20-38931215
深圳:T: 86-755-33388699
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  • forwardersmart@wiffaorg.net